Patients will not be us will 165139

8/06/11 · If test makes have worded the question in 'resolvethediscrepancy' way, I would have chosen A on this question, for the reason that A) explains both (1) why it's a timewasting process (because it takes time for doctors to retrieve or even produce patient's records on the spot, as required by the new law) and (2) no patients are going to ask for it (because there is no need to ask since the new law mandates doctors to produce the records when seeing the patients regardless of the patientsA Yes These types of conversations may arise under a variety of circumstances For example, a physician may for treatment purposes discuss treatment alternatives with the individual, which may include the option of enrolling in a clinical trialAmericans tend to use will, not shall, to form the future tense However, in modern British English, shall is still used, particularly with I and we Shall is still used for questions This page has example sentences to explain when to use shall and will and how to use them for emphasis

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