2 – AVS Tactical Rig 300,000 Roubles (Ingame currency) 4 – Tushonka 3 – Water 4 – Bandage 4 – Splint 4 – AI2 (Cheese) You may notice when you reveal the blacked out items, you gain a little bit of experience each time (shown in the bottom right) So, one of the best tips I got to boost your XP right away and get a better ideaRechargeable battery A set of tools Gunpowder "Kite" Bronze Lion Golden Neck Chain Customs Office Key Graphics Card Bars 607 95x18 Electric DrillHere are the items you need for the Collector task from Fence for the Kappa RewardFiresteelAntique AxeBattered Antique Book#FireClean Gun LubeGolden Rooster

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